Showing posts from February, 2013

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 15)

Website Beta Test : download web beta test website RF online Free: Web RF Online mirorr : web RF Online port yang harus di buka : 27780 (World) 27781 or 10001 (Login. There are two variant…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 14)

Online players PHP Code: Code $file = file ("c:\RF_Server\SystemSave\ServerDisplay.ini"); foreach($file as $line) { if(strspn($line, "[") != 1) parse_str($line); …

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 13)

RF Online Web : Download: 1) http://dump.ru/file/2327685 (Apache) 2) Install it Settings: 1) Ok, lets go in AppServ (where whe did we install Apache) 2) Go in the folder php5 and find 2 files…

Tutorial membuar RF Private Server (Part 12)

RF Online Working Tools mssql 2000 Microsoft SQL server 2005 Enterprise Edition Microsoft SQL server 2005 Express Edition AppServ UltraEdit DataRescue-IDA-Pro NotePad++ Free Hex Editor maps…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 11)

RF Online: Item Upgrading : Structure Code: [Filemask = "ItemUpgrade.dat", tableview = 1] / / / Author structures EnRiver / / / Hyde with the disassembly of the structure can be found …

Tutorial membuar RF Private Server (Part 10)

RF Online 223: Animus Explanation nCount - the serial number ItemName - Haydee subject Model - Haydee model IconIDX - Haydee icon (sprite) Race - Race Name - name of the subject AnimusClass -…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 9)

Fix the lost korean text in files: Some files, client and server side have lost the original korean text (saved in wrong encoding etc). However its not always lost. originally comments were someth…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 8)

Updated RF GM commands //by Me //Warning, based on the 2.2.3 server u got, some commands might have changed //some 2.2.3 zone servers got modded commands. //Retested all commands even oldest ones, …

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 7)

appserver problem : Who has problems with AppServ, who have white screen of the Web (MSSQL 2005). Solution: 1.If you AppServ 2.5.8 version should change it to \ 2.5.10 \ 2.6.0 2.If you are vers…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 6)

SA-A Skill eft - dq specials. skills, the right - the coefficients 1 - increase of sp --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 2 - The cost of the OP --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 3 - Increase accuracy --- (1 = 1 a…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 5)

Membuat triger Qm sendiri Any Triger actually written on the pattern. Template with necessary comments shown below: Code:  Code USE [] - name used by the base GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SE…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 4)

RF Online What Do You Need To Know ! (part3) Typically between parts of a file in the RF is 8 bytes long (although some have, and 4) Code: Code seek(nBlocks1*nBlockSize1 +8)    This m…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 3)

We need: 1) The brain and direct hands 2) Dateditor 3) Notepad or any text editor 4) Knowledge of at least a client device and rfki dat files Files with an extension of structures strs and ope…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 2)

RF Online: The values of grades to add stuff in Shops : 01 - Torso 02 - Trousers 03 - Body 04 - Bots 05 - Helmet 06 - Weapons 07 - Shield 08 - Grave 09 - Ring 10 - Amulets 11 - Bullets 1…

Tutorial membuat RF Private Server (Part 1)

Pertama adalah Tutorial Mssql 2005 MS SQL 2005 Restoring/Creating Databases Tutorial ODBC Set-Up Tutorial MS SQL 2005 Restoring/Creating Databases Tutorial RF Online 2.2.3 Creating a GM Account…

Label Peringatan Paling Koplak (Versi Luar)

"DO NOT put any person in this washer" "6PCS Precision screwdriver set not to be inserted into PENIS" "Do not eat Ipod shuffle" (found on apple's website) …

Kekayaan Bill Gates Seberapa Sih?

William Henry Gates III atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Bill Gates dilahirkan pada 28 Oktober 1955, di Seattle, Washington. Bill Gates adalah adalah anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara. Ayahnya William He…

Situs-situs Indonesia yang berhasil di deface Myanmar

Nih ane kasi tau situs-situs yang di deface sama Myanmar http://disnak.pamekasankab.go.id/ http://nakertrans.pamekasankab.go.id/ http://bappeda.pamekasankab.go.id/ http://dinkes.pamekasankab.g…

Bug Booster RF Online

Langsung aja nih caranya Bahan: - Booster - 1 Set armor jauh - Baju dan celana launcher ato dket - 2 Elemental kecepatan gerak (cincin) - Senjata injurer Langkah - Lakukan bug ini dalam …

Cheat 8 Pool Facebook, Garis Panjang

Langsung aja yah Buka Cheat Engine Buka Facebook lalu 8 Ball Pool Open Process (Mozilla=plugin-container.exe | Google Chrome=chrome.exe) atau barang kali FlashPlayer 4 Byte jadi Array of Byte …

Injector RF Indo Patch Terbaru

Langsung aja, tutor ada didalem http://adf.ly/I5rHO

Hacking Website Menggunakan Havij Pro 1.16

Langsung aja dah tanpa basa basi lagi Tools bisa di download di sini: http://adf.ly/IfbWa Setalah Download Havij kita bakal cara Target dulu, Targetnya seperti ini : http://www.boboho.com/i…
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